
Title Alliance Announces that Tiffany Coston has Joined Title Alliance Elite Agency as Escrow Office

Title Alliance Announces that Tiffany Coston has Joined Title Alliance Elite Agency as Escrow Office

Title Alliance, Ltd, a RESPA-compliant ESOP leader in joint ventured title insurance agencies, announced today it has appointed Tiffany Coston as an Escrow Officer for Title Alliance Elite Agency. The appointment comes a month after the announcement of   Dan Jensen as Closing Manager for Keystone Premier Settlement Services Bethlehem location.

Coston began her career in the title industry in 2002 as an escrow officer assistant before becoming an Escrow Officer. As an Escrow Officer, Coston will focus on customer service and accuracy.

“I am excited and honored for this opportunity to work with Title Alliance,” says Coston. “They are a great team and I look forward to making my company an even bigger success. I strive to make the home buying and selling experience enjoyable and unique and our customer first priority will allow for a smooth closing experience.”

Coston will oversee residential resale transactions from start to finish while providing a level of service that exceeds expectations. She was physically be located in the Litchfield Park Office for Title Alliance Elite Agency.

“Tiffany is an Escrow Officer that gets the job done,” says Jason Bryant, Regional Operations Manager. “Her can-do attitude is inspiring and she is high capacity and always has a positive attitude. I’m confident she will make the closing process a smooth one.”

Coston can be reached at

Title Alliance Elite Agency is located at: 
505 E Plaza Circle Dr, Suite C 
Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

About Title Alliance
Title Alliance, Ltd, an ESOP Company is located in Media, PA and has been creating RESPA compliant title joint ventures since 1983 with lenders, mortgage bankers, realtors, builders and credit unions. Their roots date back to 1948 when their first agency, which is still in existence today, was formed. For more information or to find out how a Title Alliance partnership or title management skills could benefit you, visit them online or contact Lindsay Smith at 800-220-3901 x 165.