Title Alliance, Ltd, a RESPA-compliant ESOP leader in joint ventured title insurance agencies, announced today that it has appointed Heather T. Shai to the Title Alliance Group of Maryland Team. This announcement comes just a few days after the appointment of Stephanie Stotler Brewer as Corporate Attorney.
Since entering the industry 12 years ago, Shai has held positions from Vice President/Director of Business Development to a Top Producing Sales Manager and Account Manager. With over 6,000 real estate transactions to date, her commitment to customer care and exceeding expectations have become her trademark. As a Settlement Officer, Shai’s acumen and communication skills come together, ensuring an organized and efficient transaction for all sides.
Shai is active with Howard County Association of Realtors (HCAR) and is currently serving a second consecutive elected term on the Board of Directors. Recently, she received the 2015 President’s Award, was Affiliate of the Year in 2012 and is a 2015 graduate of the Maryland Association of Realtors (MAR) Leadership Academy. She is a member of the Greater Capital Area Association of Realtors (GCAAR), a founding member of Integrity Business Partners (IBP), serves as Co-Chair of the HCAR Affiliate Committee, and is on the HCAR Social Committee and HCAR Community Service Committee.
A Maryland native, Shai received a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL., and a Master of Science degree specializing in Business and Human Resources Management from American University, Washington D.C.
“I am excited to begin this new opportunity with Title Alliance Group of Maryland.” says Shai. “I look forward to working with the team and developing relationships with our clients, which are both so important to me.”
“Heather came to us as a highly recommended candidate. Her drive and passion for the industry is apparent to all who meet her,” says Michael Warner, Regional Director. “I am confident that Heather will lead the entire Title Alliance Group of Maryland Team to immense growth. She’s a natural leader.”
Heather can be reached at hshai(at)titlealliancegroupmd.com.
About Title Alliance:
Title Alliance, Ltd, an ESOP Company is located in Media, PA and has been creating RESPA compliant title joint ventures since 1983 with lenders, mortgage bankers, realtors, builders and credit unions. Their roots date back to 1948 when their first agency, which is still in existence today, was formed. For more information or to find out how a Title Alliance’s partnership or title management skills could benefit you visit them online or contact Lindsay Smith at 800-220-3901 x 165.
To view original press release click here.
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