
Title Alliance Celebrates Five Year Anniversary of Expansion into Southwest

Title Alliance Celebrates Five Year Anniversary of Expansion into Southwest

Title Alliance, Ltd. a RESPA-compliant ESOP leader in joint ventured title insurance agencies, celebrated their fifth year in the Valley of the Sun with an employee appreciation event. In 2015, the company started with 3 employees and now has more than 25 employees in eleven offices across Arizona, including locations in Litchfield Park, Surprise, Mesa, Scottsdale, Chandler, and Avondale.

“We took a strategic leap of faith 5 years ago when we expanded into the Arizona market. We left what we knew for the possibility of bringing our model and value to a whole new population,” said Jim Campbell, Chief Executive Officer of Title Alliance. “Our westward expansion has changed our company. The passionate commitment of our team members and the integrity with which they service their clients make me proud to have them on our team.”

Title Alliance, headquartered in Media, Pennsylvania, originally chose Arizona in order to expand their footprint into the Western region to help grow the company’s reach into the western areas of the U.S. In fact, Title Alliance has seen a regional increase of 31.1% in escrows from this time last year, and profits for the region have gone up 699% from when the company first came to the region.

“This is just the beginning of our growth,” says Lindsay Smith, Chief Strategy Officer for Title Alliance. “It’s exciting to think about what has happened over the last 5 years and even more exciting to think about where we will be in another 5 years. Our partners and our teams are what fuel our business and we are thrilled to be able to provide value and opportunities to them.”

Since 1983, Title Alliance has been creating successful single and multi-state title joint ventures with lenders, realtors, and builders. The company works with its partners to establish in-house title and settlement operations, dramatically enhancing customer service and increasing profits. With an overall year-over-year increase of 29 percent in joint venture profits in 2020, the company is primed to continue their growth across the country in the coming years.

To see a video about how the Arizona offices have grown over the past five years, click here:

About Title Alliance:

Title Alliance has been forming successful single and multi-state title joint ventures with lenders, realtors, and builders since 1983. We work with our partners to establish in-house title and settlement operations, dramatically enhancing their customer service and increasing their profit. Started and headquartered in Media, PA, Title Alliance’s family of companies are currently in 10 states with more than 55 offices. Title Alliance works with partners to establish in-house title and settlement operations to dramatically enhance customer service and increase profit. More information at