Title Alliance began forming RESPA compliant, title joint ventures in 1983… and that’s when the Title Alliance Swirl first came into existence. The star within the swirl, however, has a deeper history. Title Alliance’s parent company, Title Abstract Co. of Pennsylvania, was formed in 1948. The company was founded by the father of partner Bill Cotter. “The logo began as a lighthouse and then migrated to a compass and then to a star,” says Bill Cotter. “When we created the logo for the Title Alliance division it was important to me that there remained a piece of the original logo.” So the swirl was born and housed the iconic star in the middle.
Marketing Director, Lindsay Smith, says, “I understood the historical meaning and value of the logo; but what I struggled with was the coloring.” The old logo was red, white, yellow and blue, and of late was set on a lime green background. She continued, “It was as if the logo wanted to come into the current decade but wasn’t sure how to let go of its 1980’s hairstyle. I knew that I was having a hard time branding the company; and knew that the logo was a big part of the problem.”
So after much collaboration with outside vendors and internal management meetings, a new look was developed. “The look maintains the integrity and history of the star but streamlines the colors and fonts bringing us into 2012,” says Jim Campbell, Partner and Sales Manager. “It was a win-win for everyone.”
The new logo was just the beginning. While other companies spend their summers on the beaches, Title Alliance was hard at work filming videos; building a robust website; and branding themselves for appearances at the September Trade Shows. “I’m very pleased with the finished products,” says Smith, “I finally have a package that I’m proud to display.” Title Alliance’s redefined motto, “Building Businesses. Growing Profits.” Is also the center of their new image. People recognize the name Title Alliance, but the emphasis was always on building title joint ventures. In reality; the building of the joint ventures is a method to growing the profits. And the profits, which tally over $38 million since 2000, are what the Title Alliance partnerships provide to their partners.
So as Labor Day weekend 2012 comes to a close; Title Alliance opens a new chapter in their story. Smith concludes, “We have a new logo, a redefined motto, and a new webpage complete with all of the tools prospective partners would need to make an educated decision about who to select as their joint venture partner. Now all we need are new partners to join our family.”
Title Alliance, Ltd. is located in Media, PA and has been creating RESPA compliant title joint ventures since 1983 with lenders, mortgage bankers, REALTORS, builders and credit unions. For more information, to find out how a Title Alliance partnership could benefit you contact Lindsay Smith at 800-220-3901 x 165.
To read the original press release posted on PRWeb, click here.
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